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Is your company seeking a stronger position to leverage your expertise?

Do you have a talented, experienced and knowledgeable staff that deserve to be recognized for their professional abilities?

Challenge your company to meet the standards set forth by this industry program certifying foundation contractor firms in the residential cast-in-place industry. Your registration gives you access to a six-part series program that will benefit your company and market. The goal of certification is to unify the industry with a common measurement of competency for concrete foundations and the companies that install them.


To establish consistency in validating the quality assurance in the residential concrete foundation industry.


  • Unify the industry with a common measurement of competency for concrete foundations and the companies that install them.
  • Create a recognized network of residential foundation professionals that, given the interest or requirement, can be relied upon for performance, business solvency and product quality.


Certification of companies or individuals is a topic found in all segments of the construction market as builders and code departments attempt to establish competency and accountability in construction. The market is becoming increasingly complicated with small and large companies competing for the same business at the risk of the client. Certification offers a system whereby builders and building officials can ensure customers that the types of businesses they employ are competent is a growing priority.

No one wants more regulations, hindrances, or requirements in order to operate their business, but the CFA believes it has a responsibility to the industry to anticipate the possibility of these needs and to put programs in place to address them. Certification is coming and we would prefer that the program is generated within the industry as opposed to having outside forces dictate our program.

The Concrete Foundation Association’s Certification Program provides the assurance that companies are devoting resources necessary to remain current with the science and technology of their industry. It also offers third-party assurance that companies are properly managed, insured, and that they provide a safe environment for their workers. The program is designed, administered and enforced by companies and individuals who are knowledgable about the industry they regulate.

This program is proactive to individual jurisdictions seeking to establish licensing or qualification for contractors by offering a comprehensive, but contractor-friendly program that can be used by jurisdictions and businesses seeking certification of residential foundation contractors.


The program consists of a sequence of steps involving individual examinations and review of critical company culture and performance documentation.:

  1. ACI/CFA Certified Residential Foundation Technician – A pre-qualification exam for a company representative(s). The exam establishes verification of the base knowledge level for conforming to the industry standards and technical documents. More information obtained from the ACI Certification Program Page.
  2. Submittal of company information to comply with minimum insurance requirements; safety program requirements; financial soundness of business entity; other industry certification credentials; verifiable equipment training and operations, etc.
  3. Annual review and random audit is conducted to consider continuing education (minimum of twelve hours distributed among project management team) and annual audit reviews of company operations.

A certification board, separate of the established CFA structure oversees the program.

Certification Resources

Why should you consider becoming certified? Download the Certified Residential Technician Information Flyer.

Why should you consider hiring a contractor who is certified? Download the flyer for owners.

How can you become certified? Download the registration form for application to an event or review the Event page for more details on upcoming certification events.